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nice game better than wangzherongyao

no cap


(1 edit) (+1)

Nice little 'Bad game' ^.^    I like it!   Definitely going to play it further
Not sure if you still working on it but there could be some small changes to make game a bit more juicy:

- add visuals/sounds to collected items (these which allows additional jump in air), the same for these 'impulse' surfaces. The same for player death   * . *

- I wish there are more keys for jump for right hand specifically (Enter key or RShift?)

- menu for pausing the game, with ability to close game directly from this menu (for pc noobs)

- maybe it is possible to do so there is a bit less inertia when player is standing on ground?    Currently if you move and change direction, seems a bit too much unresponsive, players slides too much - feels too much out of control. That's probably intentional from your side. But still would be nice to have this a bit more responsive

- wall climbing/jumping is terrible!   It's the only one thing that succesfully makes me stop playing this

Hi, Zachy here, I agree all of these can really help the game a ton! Im working on them right now. Thanks for enjoying the game and giving feedback!


thanks for the feedback

I was not sure if there was an update- no update notes or such, but now I checked it and noticed that wall-jumping is way better (but still, could be possible that if player press a direction key oposite to wall, while he is attached to it - he don't fall?)
Also I like that there is possible to use more keys for jump ^.^  feels a bit better to play this game now - still is not so responsive but I guess thats a challenge ;p

Thanks for the feedback! I didnt know update notes were a thing actually. I'll work on the walljump a bit more, realised a lot of people found it hard to use it.


yo nice game duh

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)
